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Spiritual Practice

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This Week’s Spiritual Practice (Pastor Michael): Creativity is not always remembered as a spiritual practice, but over and over again we are blessed by artists, poets and musicians who expand our understanding of how God is at work in the world. It is truly a practice, and the key is realizing it isn’t only a gift for those artists’ minds, but is something we can all practice. This week, we will explore the spiritual gift of creativity and invite you to ponder and act out new ways to use this gift as a blessing to your own faith.

Previous Spiritual Practices:

Simplicity (Pastor Leta)

Sabbath (Pastor Michael)

Music from John Micah Braswell (Intern Pr. Jon)

The Courage to Ask Questions (Pastor Leta)

Gratitude (Pastor Leta)

Psalm Season (Intern Pr. Jon)

Vigil (Pastor Leta)

Labyrinth (Pastor Michael)

Poem Practice (Intern Pastor Jon)

Reading/Listening to Spiritual Writers

Journaling with Elisa Sherman
